Arnaldo Antunes, Carlinhos Brown, Marisa Monte, have crossed, in the last ten years, innumerable times their professional lives in compositions, recordings, productions of albums and shows.
March 2001 - Salvador / Bahia
Carlinhos Brown produced with Alê Siqueira, in his studio “Ilha dos Sapos” in Candeal, Arnaldo Antunes’s album “Paradeiro''. They invited Marisa Monte to record a special participation, sharing with Arnaldo the voices on the track, which has the same the title of his album, a partnership of the trio. The recording session was fast, but Marisa spent the whole week along with Brown and Antunes composing and playing intensively. In the end, the three had made around 20 musics together.
Marisa came back to Rio de Janeiro and retook "Memories, Chronicles and Declarations of Love" tour that was shot in DVD and launched at the end of that year, with a participation of Arnaldo singing along with her the track “Paradeiro”. Arnaldo released the album in October and started a big tour. Carlinhos dedicated his time to produce the Margareth Menezes and Timbalada’s CDs.
In that period, between phone calls and fast meetings, they have improved the compositions and kept on dreaming about recording an album together one day.
April 2002 - Rio de Janeiro / Rio de Janeiro
Marisa had just finished the production of Argemiro Patrocínio’s album. Arnaldo opened a breach in his shows schedule to finish and launch its book "Palavra Desordem". At the same time Brown’s agreement with EMI Music arrived at its end. He would have only a month before starting the recording arrangements of his first album for BMG-Spain, designated to the international market.
That was the moment. Their agendas were settled and on April 8th they entered the studio. They rehearsed during 2 days and recorded on the following thirteen, a music per day, from the base up to the voices, l3 unpublished songs derived from the repertoire composed one year before in Salvador.
In the studio, only two invited musicians: Dadi Carvalho and Cézar Mendes who, as well as Arnaldo, Carlinhos and Marisa would participate in all tracks and play the instruments they felt necessary, beyond the special participation of Margareth Menezes in a song on which she is also partner.
To shoot the images, thinking about having, in principle, at least any material for promotion, an affective register and perhaps a video-clip, they invited Trattoria de Frame. Guilherme Ramalho set up, with the camera-woman Dora Jobim, a structure with 3 cameras mini - DV, catching the whole recording process in full time. The result was so amazing and charming for all that it ended by becoming a DVD.
The months of May and June were dedicated to the conclusion and mixing of the album by Marisa Monte, Alê Siqueira and Flávio de Souza. In June 2002 the CD “Tribalistas” was ready.
The decision of launching the CD and DVD at the same time was the reason to schedule the release to November. Five months had been taken in the edition and finishing of the DVD including, the return of the producers to the studio for the mixing of the audio in Dolby 5.1 system.
CD, DVD and VHS are released by the Phonomotor label and distributed worldwide by EMI in November 2002.
This project, that does not foresee live presentations, brings to the public the register of private moments of this partnership among Marisa Monte, Arnaldo Antunes and Carlinhos Brown that have already been consecrated with innumerable hits over the last ten years.
Direction // Guilherme Ramalho
Accomplishment // Phonomotor e Trattoria di Frame
Produced for Leonardo Netto
Musicians invited // DadiCarvalho e Cézar Mendes Executive production Carla Schertel, EitanRosental, GuilhermeRamalho e GutoCarvalho
Production // Tili Dantas e Paula Madureira
After-production // Trattoria di Frame e Observatório Filmes
Direction of art Guilherme Ramalho e Alexandre Suannes
Camera // Dora Jobim e Guilherme Ramalho
Editors // Guilherme Ramalho, Tatiana Soares e TochaAlves
Finishing // Guilherme Ramalho
Assistants of finishing // Daniel Dias e Alexandre JamiukCóis
Version of the letters for legends // Arto Lindsay Legends (Translation) José Fernando SoibelmannSztrajtman
Marking of time // Eliza Sato Images of the layer Vik Muniz @ Vik Muniz Studio, New York City (with special assistance of Cleverson)
Graphical project // Leonardo Eyer
Caught in DV in Rio De Janeiro, between 8 and 24 of April of 2002