Infinito Ao Meu Redor

I began on stage.

The arc of my career was built on direct contact with the public in live performances.

In the fifteen years since I began, I have not recorded often because of long tours that have kept recording periods far apart.

Five records in fifteen years without counting the Tribalistas and the ones I produced for other artists. In 2001 after I finished the tour for “memories and chronicles” which lasted almost two years I decided to spend some time at home.

I took advantage of this to produce a record for Argemiro and to plunge into the Tribalistas project with Carlinhos and Arnaldo.

A studio project.

I love and have always loved being in the studio.

We recorded the whole record in Rio in thirteen days.

A song a day.

I became pregnant during the recording.

The record came out the month my son was born.

During the months that followed, I had a chance to spend more time at home.

I took this opportunity to do some things that would have been difficult if I had been traveling. Without being planned some of them became the seeds for these records I have just made.

From my life long contact with the samba of Rio de Janeiro, especially from time spent with the old guard of the Portela Samba School and from the research I did for their record of 1999 that I produced, I knew of a trove of material preserved only in oral tradition and little by little being lost.

I became curious to know more and searched beyond the borders of Portela. I began a series of interviews, oriented by conversations with Monarco, Paulinho da Viola, Dona Yvonne Lara, and my father, among others.

I heard from composers, their relatives, and partners while searching for more than songs. I wanted to find out about their points of creative reference and the sources of the songs they wrote.

So the sambas of Jaime Silva, Dona Yvonne, Casemiro, Moraes, and Galvão, some more than fifty years old, joined contemporary songs by Adriana, by Paulinho, by Arnaldo, by Carlinhos, and myself. This record, “UniversoaoMeuRedor”, is focused more on the atmosphere surrounding samba than on samba itself, on its most frequent subjects- love, nature, music itself, the human condition, the singing of the birds, our back yards, and lives lived together through art…

I invited Mario Caldato, who I have always wanted to work with, to produce this record with me. He is responsible for the sonic personality of the record.

At the same time as I had these meetings regarding samba, I began to digitalize all my cassette tapes.

I wanted to save the evidence of the process of composing.

Fifteen years of songs being written.

Some concluded others abandoned.

A lot of these that everyone knows, at their source notebooks of sonic sketches.

Almost one hundred tapes, all listened to, cataloged, and mapped by me.

Infinito Particular.

And this process of listening made me dive into compositions from different periods, not just with old partners like (Nando, Carlinhos, Arnaldo, Pedro Baby, Dadi) but also into widening my horizons to include new partnerships with Seu Jorge, Adriana, Yuka, Leonardo Reis, and Rodrigo Campelo.

Many encounters, and soon enough I had material for one more record.

This time I chose only songs I had co-written, and I invited Ale Siqueira, who I had worked with on the Tribalistas record, to produce with me.

And with arrangements by Eumir, Phillip, and Donato. That’s it…

If I had recorded just one record and gone on the road it would have been a long time before I had the chance to record again and there would have been a rupture between what I do and what I show.

That’s why I conceived these two records of unrecorded songs.

Conceived at the same time, like fraternal twins, coming into the world, now, on the same day.

But very different.

Each with his own story.

Each one speaking for himself.

Like two photographs.

With a lot of people and myself in the mix.

I thank everyone.


Phonomotor / Natura / EMI

Produced by Conspiração Filmes / Monte Criação / Samba Filmes
Direction // Vicente Kubrusly
Screenplay // Claudio Torres / Marisa Monte
Procution // Claudio Torres / Leonardo Netto
Executive Production // Eliana Soares / Luiz Noronha / Pedro Buarque de Holanda
Editing // Tainá Diniz / Vicente Kubrusly
Direction of art // Dora Jobim (documentary)
Post Production Coordination // Mônica Siqueira
Art // Giovanni Bianco - Studio 65
Graphic Coordination // Adriana Trigona - AT Design
Cover Photo // Dora Jobim
Navigation screen pictures // Dora Jobim
Online and Color Grading // Bernardo Varela / Daniel Canela
Sound editing / Program Mixing // Jorge Saldanha / Ney Fernandes
Song post production // Pedro Oliveira / Guilherme Calliccio / Antoine Midani
Song mixing // Antoine Midani
Mixing studio // AR / Março e Abril de 2008
Mixing assistant // Pedro Oliveira
Mastering // Ricardo Garcia
Mastering Studio // Magic Master
Finishing // Carolina Montagna / Vanessa Marques
Post production assistant // Paula Polastri
Editing Assistant // Marco Machado / Raquel Diniz
Finishing interns // Guilherme Kramer / Leonardo Vilela / Tato Mayer
Sound editing intern // Rodrigo Andrade
Coordination of Image Authorizations // Gabriela Gastal
Fans Authorization // Jéferson Güntzel – Fã-Clube Marisa de Verdade
Assistant of image Authorizations // Renata Lima / Lívia Valente
Legal Advice // Dario Corrêa
Navigation Screens // 2 Pix / Priscila Lopes / Marcus Paulista
Authoring // CareWare Multimídia

FILMING CREDITS AT CITIBANK HALL - Rio de Janeiro (13/08/2006)

Direction // Claudio Torres
Assistant Direction // Gabriela Gastal
Executive Producer // Rômulo Marinho
Production Coordinator // Samanta Moraes
Production direction // Bia Caldas
Song recording // Santiago Ferraz / Antoine Midani
Plateau // Cláudia Novaes
Production Assistant // Luisa Souza Dantas
Cameras // Toca Seabra / André Horta / Jacques Cheuiche / Dudu Miranda /
Mustapha Barat / Dora Jobim
Camera Assistant // Kika Cunha / Jorge Alves / Cris Conceição / Alexandre Dantas /
Rubens Pantoja / Martina Rupp / Fábio Serfaty
Loaders // Alexandre Dantas / Rubens Pantoja
Video assistants // Pedro Moraes / Fernando Young
Machinery // Bugalu
Machinery Assistant // Daniel Cerqueira
Stand in Marisa // Andressa Herrera
Boys from Set // Alex Moura / Dudu Ramos
Production Van // Wilson Pintado
Sprinter Camera // Sr Walter
Crew Van // Fábio Bahiano / Junior / Ronaldo / Alexandre
Pick-Up Machinery // Guimbinha
Camera 16mm // Jacques Cheuiche / Brian Sewell / MB Filmes
Camera HDV // Ilha 2 / Dora Jobim
Camera HDVX200 // Conspiração / Maquinária / Quanta
Intercom // BL Iluminação
Monitors PVM // Christal
Negative // Conspiração
Development // Casablanca
Food // Delaine
Clapperboard // George Saldanha
Walkie-Talkies // Air Cam
Turism Agency // Plantel
Security // Yuri


Projeto Conexões Urbanas Rio de Janeiro (30/09/2006)
Direction // Dora Jobim / Gabriela Gastal / Gabriela Figueiredo
Production // Samba Filmes
Production Coordinator // Gabriela Figueiredo / Gabriela Gastal
Production Assistant // Lívia Valente
Camera operators // Dora Jobim / Fabian Boal / Márcio Menezes / Manuel Águas / Reynaldo
Zangrandi / Jorge Goulart / Luís Baiia
Song recording // Rodrigo Vidal / Marcos Possato / Antoine Midani
Plateau // Ricardo Lemos
Special thanks to AfroReggae crew // José Junior / Izabel Roizen / Paulo Lotufo / Framklim Garrido /
Paula D'Arienzo / Duda Vasconcellos


Direction // Claudio Torres / Leonardo Netto / Marisa Monte
Musical Direction // Marisa Monte
Art direction // Claudio Torres
General Direction // Leonardo Netto
Lighting project // Ralph Strelow
Scenography // Wagner Baldinato
Costume // Marcelo Olinto
Executive Production // Suely Aguiar
Planning consultancy // Comunicação Orgânica
Production // Cíntia Carvalho

Musicians // Dadi // baixo / violão / guitarra | Mauro Diniz // cavaquinho / violão | Marcelo Costa // bateria/ Percussion | Pedro Baby // violão / guitarra | Carlos Trilha // teclados / programações | Maico Lopes: Trumpet / flugelhorn | Pedro Mibielli // violin | Marcus Ribeiro // cello | Juliano Barbosa // fagote

Assistant Director // Gabriela Gastal
Documentarist and image editing // Dora Jobim
Scenery and Light Integration // Samuel Betts
Lighting Operator // Júlio Katona
P.A .technician // Antoine Midani
Monitor Technician // Nelson Nuccini
Stage Director // Márcio Barros
Roadie // William Oliveira
Roadie Assistant // Anderson Santos
Cenotechnical // Alex Correa
Programming of Scenographic Movements // Alberto dos Santos
Lighting Technicians // Adriano dos Santos / Carlos Magno Amorim / Alberto dos Santos / Marcelo dos Santos
Vido Technicians // Marcos Sousa / Leandro Nascimento
Sound Technicians // Dinilson Ishicava / Josiel Silva
Costume assistant // Patrícia Muniz